לכל קוראי הארט בלוג שלום !
מרגישה שכל אחד מקוראי הארט בלוג שלי יש לו חלק בהצלחה שלי כאמנית, בשנים האחרונות אני משתפת אותכם בתערוכות שלי ושל אמנים אחרים בארץ ובעולם, מקבלת ממכם הרבה תגובות, פידבקים ומרגישה שיצרתי במשך השנים קבוצת שוחרי אמנות בעלי עניין משותף.
בפוסט זה אני מנסה להעביר לכם את החוויה המקצועית שאני עוברת בימים אילו .
ב- 16/12 נפתחה תערוכת יחיד שלי בפלורידה ארה"ב בגלריית BLUE GALLERY.
היות והמרחק מנע ממכם להגיע אנסה להעביר לכם את החוויה בפוסט זה,
חגיגות פתיחת התערוכה היו קרנבל שלם, אירוע מיוחד לאספני VIP, אירוע מפגש אספנים ואירוע פתיחה חגיגי לאספנים ולקהל הרחב והכל בגדול כמו שרק באמריקה יודעים לעשות !!
אין לתאר את ההרגשה שלי כאמנית כאשר הציורים שלי ממלאים את הגלריה וגורמים לאושר גדול !
אושר גדול מסתבר לא רק לי אלא גם לסובבים אותי, אוהבי הציורים שלי שהמשותף להם אנשים אופטימים, אוהבי צבע ושמחה !
ברקע מסך עם סרט שנעשה במיוחד להפקה (מפיק ניב עשת כהן ) הסרט צולם בתל אביב 05.00 בבוקר עם משאית שהעבירה את הסטודיו לחוף הים עם צוות צלמים מקצועי פשוט חגיגה !!
המפגש עם הלקוחות/אספנים היה מרגש במיוחד ,מרתק לראות כל כך הרבה אנשים שמעריכים אומנות, השאלות הרבות שנשאלו על צורת העבודה שלי , ההשראה , טכניקת העבודה, משמעות הצבעים, מה הם שלבי העבודה, איך אני מצליחה להעביר כזאת אופטימיות במדינה שלנו ? , ועוד….

אתם מוזמנים לקרוא מספר כתבות באנגלית, ספרדית, ערבית, כולן פורסמו לקראת התערוכה
לדוברי ספרדית כתבה בעיתון AURORA.
לדוברי ערבית הפקה של חברת MBN שמטרתה להראות את הצד היפה במזרח התיכון.
ברקע מסך עם סרט שנעשה במיוחד להפקה (מפיק ניב עשת כהן ) הסרט צולם בתל אביב 05.00 בבוקר עם משאית שהעבירה את הסטודיו לחוף הים עם צוות צלמים מקצועי פשוט חגיגה !!
Hello my Art Blog Family,i
Before I'll start this post, I wanted you to know that I honestly feel that each and every one of you, my art blog readers, have a part in my success as an artist.i
In these past years I have shared with you my passions and inspirations, my art activities and exhibitions I take part in, as well as other artists in Israel and abroad and have been receiving a lot of responses and feedback from you. I truly feel as though I created a group of art lovers with common interests.i
In this post I will try to share and convey to you the professional experience I am going through these past few days.i
On the 16th of December my solo exhibition opened in Florida, USA at the BLUE GALLERY.i
Since the distance prevented many of you from coming to the exhibition, I will try to pass the experience in words as much as possible.i
The exhibition grand opening "kick off" event was a true carnival!i
The exhibition started with VIP collector's meetings, then proceeded to the main opening event, and from that point to an open audience event; every event was as big as only America know how to do.i
No words could explain and express the feeling I got as an artist to see my paintings fill the gallery walls and especially to see people reaction to it, to see that my paintings caused happiness not only to me, but also to the people that surrounded me; all, I believe, share optimism, and a love for colors and happiness.i
On the exhibition background wall they screened a movie about my work; a movie which was made especially for the exhibition production (directed by Niv Eshet Cohen). This movie was filmed in Tel Aviv at 05:00 in the morning, using a truck to move the drawings from the studio to the beach with a crew of videographers. The whole filming process was pure celebration and joy.i
The meeting with the clients/collectors was extremely exciting and I was so moved and fascinated to see so many people that appreciate art and I loved all the questions that were raised by them such as; what my work process and technique include, what my inspirations are, the meaning of the colors, phases work has taken on, how I manage to convey such optimism in a state such as ours, and much more.i
The exhibition will be opened until the 23rd of December and I will be more than happy to hear about your visit to it and your thoughts.i
To those of you that are unable to visit the exhibition, here are some articles which were published towards the exhibition in YNET English magazine (Yediot Haharonot online newspaper), Aurora magazine in Spanish and MBN magazine in Arabic (which was established to demonstrate the beauty of the middle east).i
questions I was asked and my answers:i
Q: What is your process when painting?i
A: I start with a blank canvas and my inspiration is to give colors to the world.i
I use strong and pure colors. The painting has movement as we have movement in life. I layer my paint like life. From childhood to teenage years, to adulthood. You can see one layer after another and you can imagine my life.i
I use many layers. And between each layer, I have to wait. It can take 2 to 3 months to finish a painting.i
Q: What are your tools of choice?i
A: I use hundreds of tubes of paint colors and apply it with containers in a variety of sizes instead of paint brushes like a normal painter.i
Q: What inspires your art?i
A: There is a saying that art is 10% of inspiration and 90% perspiration.i
My inspiration is all over. The sun, the beach, the sand, skylight. The boats and the water.i
Q: How would you describe your art?i
A: My art resembles famous abstract artists like Pollock.abstract expressionist movement, i use the drip painting and mix of unique painting.i
My father was a photographer and if I preferred to have a more realistic image, I would take a photo.i
In my opinion, if we didn’t have the camera, it would make more sense to create more realistic paintings.i
Q: Why do you choose acrylic paint?i
A: I like to work with acrylic paints because it is a comfortable paint that lets me play with it before it dries. I can mix it with water ( & a secret material) to get the right consistency or mix it with other colors. I like the way it looks (aesthetic quality that it has in the end). I can buy the acrylic paints in very big containers which helps because I use vast amounts of paint in my paintings.i
Q:What is the most challenging part about working with acrylic paint?i
The timing is the hardest part. I have to know exactly when the paint is dry enough and the perfect time to add the next layer. I do this by feeling the paint.i
?Q: How has your style changed over the years?
A: Just like everybody, my life doesn’t stop changing. I had a period where I made a series of Mandalas. My first experience painting, was with body painting. I used to paint ceramics as well.
?Q: What do you think is the key factor in creating a good composition?
A: The most important part of the composition is the feeling I get from the painting. The best thing to do is to start painting and be very aware of what I’m feeling. My body will tell me if I’m in the right mood or not.i
I can paint, add some colors and directly feel if it’s the right color or not. Its like when you meet your love for the first time and you know if you can feel the chemistry or not.i
If I use the wrong color, I put it aside and let the painting sit for hours or days and I come back and continue to add layers.i
At the end of the work i have to be in love with painting at least as much as whoever chooses to hang it in his house
Love, light, and joy,i
You are cordially invited to see an exclusive art collection of original paintings, bronze sculptures and ceramic plates.a
:Come meet the Artist at Blue Gallery Delray Beach II
i616 East Atlantic Avenue • Delray Beach FL 33483
:Artist Reception
Saturday, December 16, 2017 from 5-8pm
Cathy Barstow at
Meet the Artist
Iris Eshet Cohen is an Israeli artist based in Tel Aviv specializing in abstract paintings, bronze sculptures, and ceramics. Iris’ art has been compared to Kandinsky and Pollock.i
Es Laetus – Part 2
Original Acrylic on Canvas
H23 x W31 inches
Intrinsic Action
Original Acrylic on Canvas
H39 x W63 inches
Plate II
Painted Ceramic Plate
12 inches
Plate I
Painted Ceramic Plate
12 inches
If Only It Was Morning
Original Acrylic on Canvas
H39.5 x W23.5 inches
For more information about the show visit our website events page
and take a look at the catalog of the exhibition.i
Blue Gallery Delray II
i616 E. Atlantic Avenue • Delray iBeach, FL 33483
פשוט מקסים
איריס, ממש תענוג לקרוא את הבלוג על התערוכת יחיד שלך ולחוות איתך את האירוע!
נהדרת שאת, מרגש לעקוב אחר הדרך שאת עושה.